Interactive Investor

How to convert currency

  • Select Cash & Transfers > Convert Currency from your account menu.
  • Choose the currencies you would like to convert from and to.
  • Enter either the amount you wish to exchange or receive.
  • Then click Preview Order before you can Confirm.

Foreign exchange conversions are available from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Friday. 

Telephone support is available 7.45am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday.

Foreign exchange costs

We charge a percentage of the total value of your transaction.

For currency conversion of up to £24,999, we charge 1.5%.

This means converting £1,000 into another currency costs £15.

The margin rate of converting currency worth over £25,000 is detailed below. 

Transaction ValueMargin Rate
£0 - £24,999.991.50%
£25,000 - £49,999.991.25%
£50,000 - £99,999.991.00%
£100,000 - £599,9990.50%
£600,000 - £999,999.99*0.25%

* Maximum electronic transaction size.

The FX rate for currency conversion is based on the bid/offer exchange rate to which we apply a spread of up to +/- 1.50% at the time of execution. If multiple trades (“fills”) are required to execute your trade the FX rate is calculated on the value of each fill and you may end up paying a higher FX charge than for a single transaction of the same total value.

Click here for more information about foreign exchange