Interactive Investor

Dividend income

You can manage your dividend income online with interactive investor. 

The differences between your ATS and new ii service

Alliance Trust Savingsinteractive investor

You could choose to keep dividends in your account as cash, automatically reinvest them or have them paid out to you on the 12th day of each month (provided a minimum of £100 was available to pay out). You could give different instructions for different investments if you wish.

Dividends are credited to your account in their market currency once they have been received. You will have the choice for each investment to leave this as cash or automatically reinvest it (see more below). Alternatively, you can set your account to pay all dividends out to your bank account as they are received.

Automatic dividend reinvestment was available for all investments that pay income on the ATS platform.

Automatic dividend reinvestment is available for most popular shares (including the FTSE 350) and a range of investment trusts and ETFs. We do not offer automatic reinvestment of any income from unit trusts and OEICs.

To be reinvested, your available income must have reached a value of at least £100. You could set up reinvestment to be in the investment your income came from, or in another investment if you preferred.

Dividend reinvestment cost £5.00 a trade and your four free trades a year for each account did not include dividend reinvestment trades. 

To be reinvested, a dividend must be paid into your account in Sterling and it must have a value of £10 or more.

Dividend investment costs just £0.99 a trade and this can be taken from the free credit you receive each month from your Service Plan.

Existing instructions

If you had reinvestment instructions in place, we have moved these across for you where they are for eligible holdings. Otherwise, they have stopped. 

If you had instructions in place for investment income to be paid out to you in cash once the minimum value had been reached, we have only moved these instructions where you have them in place for all the eligible holdings in your account. 

That is because, while you can give reinvestment instructions at individual investment level on the interactive investor platform, dividend income can only be set to pay out directly to your bank account at account level. 

As now, you will be able to change your instructions easily online.

How to find
Once you have your account ready, log in and select 'dividend reinvestment' from the 'portfolio' menu.

‘Alliance Trust Savings’, ‘ATS’ and 'AT Savings' are all brand names of Alliance Trust Savings Limited together with the ‘Alliance Trust Savings’ logo are owned by and used with the permission of Alliance Trust PLC, the previous owner of Alliance Trust Savings Limited.