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ii Friends & Family stories

We talked to four interactive investor customers about their experiences, current investments and long-term goals.

Friends and Family - the Strowger family

Please remember, investment value can go up or down and you could get back less than you invest. The value of international investments may be affected by currency fluctuations which might reduce their value in sterling.

Tony Strowger, investor in his 50s

Both my sons had ISAs/Junior ISAs with different brokers, but it had always been my intention for them to open an account with interactive investor.

Tony Strowger

Callum Strowger, investor in his 20s

With age on my side, I know that if I make a loss it’s not all bad, so the sooner you start investing, the better.

Callum Strowger

Archie Strowger, investor in his teens

I want to make money for the future and to regularly invest throughout my life.

Archie Strowger

Donna Strowger, investor in her 50s

Operate within your levels of risk and be mindful of your end goal.

Donna Strowger

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