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COP26 hub

COP26 news and analysis from our experts. 

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Over the past few years, the popularity of sustainable investments has grown among ii customers. Increasingly, investors are looking to make a positive difference, and the decisions taken at COP26 in Glasgow could have a big impact on sustainable investing – and on the wider stock market in the years ahead. 

The COP26 hub features the latest news and analysis on COP26 and all aspects of sustainable investing. 

At ii, we make it easy to choose sustainable investments with our ACE 40 rated list.

Lee Wild -  Head of Equity Strategy at interactive investor

What is COP26?

COP26 is the 2021 United Nations climate change conference. COP stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’ and this is the 26th annual summit. This time it’s the UK’s turn to be President, so Glasgow was chosen to host the event. During 12 days of talks, thousands of negotiators, government representatives and businesses will discuss how to tackle climate change.

Why is this COP so important?

In recent years, there has been an obvious increase in public engagement with climate issues and a greater willingness to bring about positive change. Climate ambassadors like Sir David Attenborough and Swedish activist Greta Thunberg have captured the imagination, and public opinion is increasingly shifting in favour of action on environmental issues. 

At COP21 in Paris in 2015, all countries agreed to try and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. The Paris Agreement became a legally binding international treaty on climate change. Glasgow is an opportunity for countries to discuss new plans aimed at ensuring their original objective is met. 

polar-bear-on-ice climate change

COP26: key takeaways for your personal finances

almost 3 years agoKatie Binns

Invest for good with the UK's first rated list of sustainable investments. Our experts' impartial selections can help you make the right choice for you... and for the planet. 

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