Interactive Investor

Stocks & Shares ISA

Managed ISA


Can I open more than one ISA in a year?

Can I open more than one ISA in a year?

The ISA rules have changed as of 6 April 2024. You can now have - and contribute - to as many ISAs as you want (except for Lifetime ISAs and Junior ISAs). Provided you don't contribute more than your £20,000 ISA allowance across them all.

This means you can open more than one of each ISA type. For example, you can open two Stocks and Shares ISAs in the same tax year, and contribute to both.

Learn more about our Stocks and Shares ISA

Learn how to make the most of your Stocks and Shares ISA with our useful guides.

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What is an ISA?

Learn more about how Stocks and Shares ISAs work.

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Transfer an ISA

It's easy to transfer Stocks ISAs and Cash ISAs to ii.

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Junior ISA

A tax-efficient way to invest in your child’s future.