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Governance Advisory Arrangement

Providers of Investment Pathways are required by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to set up an Independent Governance Committee (IGC) or Governance Advisory Arrangement (GAA) to represent the interests of Pathway Investors. Interactive Investor has appointed Zedra Governance Ltd to provide a GAA for Investment Pathways.

GAA objectives:

  • Assess the value-for-money of the Investment Pathways offered by ii
  • Comment on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors as they relate to the pathways offered
  • Produce an annual report on Investment Pathways (available below, once published)

The GAA operates independently of ii in its role to represent the interests of investors in Investment Pathways and can raise concerns at any time with ii and escalate such concerns to the FCA, should it not be satisfied with the response.

Pathway investors can contact the GAA, which uses such feedback when fulfilling the objectives above, via

The full GAA terms of reference are available for review here.

Download the Zedra GAA 2023 Chair's Report here.

Download the Zedra GAA 2022 Chair's Report here.

Download the Zedra GAA 2021 Chair’s Report here.

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